OK, OK, I'm on a Yoo Toob vid-out, but there's so much incredible stuff out there, once you start, it's pretty hard to stop.
The most remarkable thing about this one is that someone took the time to make it, and of course the excellent ironical satire behind it, driving the point home.
Sorry I've been away for so long folks, but thanks for still stopping by.
Just discovered the sweetest little vid - if you're ever wanting the gentlest but still pretty straightforward way of convincing someone to 'Give it up' (religion, not 'for' religion) then this might do the trick.
Beautifully put (I was going to say 'argued' but it's not even that) from a gently spoken man who talks from a point of view I can never share, as I was never indoctrinated in the first place, but his humility and humanity speaks volumes.
It's funny, for a Brit like myself, to hear a Statesian speaking like this, when we have their reputation as a 'God-fearing' nation (lovely), but then again we all know they're not all that lost. The pressure of society can be a terrible thing though.
Oh yes, I do, folks! Sorry to disappoint you, but spirituality (i.e. having feelings) has nothing to do with boring, blubbering religions, and everything to do with us folks these days.
As any teenager and otherworldly thinker will tell you.
We all like to dream.
By the way, I used to headbang to this waaayyyy back in 1987 I think it was, when I went to a cool hippie / hard rock place during my decadent uni days in Bradford. Those were, indeed, the days. <sigh>
Thanks to The Freethinker for this one, and a great article to boot.
Seems that a Kentucky artist is leading a butched-up Jesus. According to the Guardian article, 'This time he's less "gentle Jesus, meek and mild" and more of a kick-ass action hero - a Chuck Norris in sandals'.
Just what we all need. The new beefed-up saviour movement includes books like 'No More Mr Christian Nice Guy' and 'The Church Impotent - the Feminisation of Christianity'.
Apparently the model for the picture above was a surfer dude who was 'built like a brick shithouse' according to the artist. Nice. Painting tatts on onself is generally frowned on by the Big Daddy, though, but hey, who gives a monkey's, right?
I reckon Jesus freaks must be a bit jealous about the excesses their mirror images over in Muslimland can go to in real life and which they can only see for fake in movies. Where there's frustration there's usually bad things to follow. Where will it all end? When we stop believing in fairy tales?
Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) British science fiction writer and inventor
"Science can destroy religion by ignoring it as well as by disproving its tenets. No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, the non-existence of Zeus or Thor, but they have few followers now."
"The religions of mankind must be classed among the mass-delusions of this kind. No one, needless to say, who shares a delusion ever recognises it as such."
And it's such a cool song too! Just a shame it promotes death, disease and general ignorance to a people who need that about as much as another drought.
A new article on The Quackometer brought this to my attention, and it's worth reading.
Seems that some witch doctor called Jeremy Sherr has duped British homeopaths (not a difficult thing to do) into promoting and even fund-raising for his sugar pill clinics which exploit some of the most needy (but not of homeopathy) folks in Africa.
Not that homeopathy is any different from plenty of other crap these people have been traditionally, orally and mentally swallowing, through understandable ignorance, for centuries. La plus ça change...
"Most people are bothered by those passages in Scripture which they cannot understand; but as for me, I always noticed that the passages in Scripture which trouble me most are those that I do understand."
Naponeon Bonaparte (1769-1821) French general and emperor
"How can you have order in a state without religion? For, when one man is dying of hunger near another who is sick from overeating, he cannot resign himself to this difference unless there is an authority which declares, 'This is God's will.'... Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."
Fascinating new article from Nature suggesting that the moon, that's The Moon to us, may not be all it seems.
According to a new 'big splat' theory, there may once have been two moons, which collided in an almighty splat, to form the ever-so lopsided satellite which we know and love today...
The diagram was provided by Martin Jutzi and Erik Asphaug from the University of California, Santa Cruz. The theory is still very much that, and has drawn reactions from other scientists who are circumspectly saying things like 'It may or may not be true'.
According to the report, it would have taken place about four and a half billion years ago, so don't bother asking your granny if she can remember it.
The event wouldn't have been as spectactular as a modern movie would make it either, taking several minutes to happen, with a smaller moon being around 600 miles wide.
The effect would probably have been more like a slow-motion waterballoon-in-the-face attack than an cataclysmic explosion, although no doubt film producers will brush that little fact under the carpet when the time comes. Bruce Willis and Co. only have a couple of hours to save the universe, as we all know.
Credence is given to the theory by the fact that the far side of the moon is much hillier than the face we are all familiar with. Pink Floyd - did you know about this? Why didn't you tell us? Or maybe they did...
"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."
Just caught this kinda read-cartoon on silly beliefs which is quite funny, especially the last two checklists:
Nappy vs. Religion Santa vs. God
I noticed that the last of these two was by a site called Unreasonable Faith (.com) so off I went to see what it was all about.
Turns out it's an ex-believer who's now on a crusade to deliver us from the evil of religion, which is a jolly good thing if you ask me. He seems to focus mainly on Christianity, as that's what he used to believe in, but has a fairly wide-ranging brief, including posting other people's videos which tickle his fancy, just like I do.
The tone is occasionally intellectual, which isn't a bad thing as there's always a cheeky comment or two in there and the things he posts are about as irreverent and irreligious as you could wish for.
For example, here's a video which takes a bit of getting into if you're not familiar with the style, which I'm not:
but which eventually drags you in as you see where he's going, and gets progressively funnier and more cutting by turns. A satisfying watch.
This one, again posted by unreasonablefaith.com , has been tagged by the latter, amongst other things, as "Oh the stupidity!", which is a pretty cool category to have if you ask me, and fits this piece extremely well.
Other interesting pieces include an intriguing article on Jesus and Mary who, it turns out, actually live in Australia at the moment and are attracting a large number of followers to them and inflating real estate prices into the bargain.
And you could check out his 'About' page where he explains why he doesn't believe any more.
I'd say the site is, to an extent, more for doubters than simple non-believers who don't need the non-existence of god hammered out for them, but if this sort of thing still amuses you then there's plenty there to enjoy, and as I said, the videos he links to are often quite delicious. Welcome to the club.
In the ranks of rationalist bullshit shredding sites, The Quackometer is one of the real gems.
The focus is clearly medically based, in that its main targets are those who try to pass off ridiculous pseudo cures and mumbo-jumbo as the real thing.
Homoeopaths are a constant source of fun and fear, as we learn just how seriously they are taken by far too many gullible souls, and just how ridiculous their claims and cures actually are.
Honestly, between a recent interview with the head of the biggest homoeopathy body and the lunatic Islamist fanatic in the last post, I'm really not sure who's the maddest.
Ahh, here it is:
(it's a bit long, so go straight to 7:00 minutes in to watch the nonsense coming out of this squirmy woman's mouth, and sigh)
What's good about the site is that the blogger has a good solid scientific grounding and seems to relish looking up old papers and raking through the evidence (and counter-evidence) to not only ridicule some of the most obvious nonsense but also to quite authoritatively shoot it down, which is intellectually pleasing as well as often very entertaining.
Other enjoyable recent pieces, which I've included here as enlargeable screen shots include:
==> a trashing of 'Applied Kinesiology' which some companies are referring to as they try to convince us that their hilarious devices will protect us from things we have yet to be convinced actually do us any harm;
As you know I'm more of an eclecticist than anything else, wanting to bring you a rich selection of anything and everything which tickles my sceptic's soul, and without sites like The Quackometer I'd have very little to write about apart from my own fetid thoughts, so thanks a lot for a cool site, and keep it up!
Now I'm feeling the need for a far lighter post, as this blog is supposed to celebrate the wonderful as well as the woesome, so let me see what I can dredge up for the next post.
I have a project. It's to make a list of the Top Ten (10, count 'em) must watch videos I've ever seen in my life.
This could be difficult. Of course I could divide them into categories, such as awesome ads, wild music vids and awful TV appearances, but hey, I reckon it would be more fun to mix and match with the only linking factor being a judicious combination of 'Oh My G..' and 'What the F...?'
Stay tuned for the Top Ten list to end all lists. Then again, it could turn into a series, methinks...
It's funny, but being away from the heat of things in the UK, some things can escape you for a while. But they'll get you in the end.
Here's a case in point. Pat Condell introduces me to a moron extraordinaire, and as he says, it would probably be best for all of us, in the end, if he were NOT shut up in order for us to become aware as quickly as possible of the lunacy the extremist have got in store for us. Watch on...
In case there's any doubt to the moronicity of this guy, check out this painful 'discussion' with Jeremy Paxman and see for yourself: http://youtu.be/_4u5o8gz55M
The video is called 'Anjem Choudary gets arse whipping' but I'm not so sure he does. He talks so much bullshit in order to drown out what everyone else is saying there really wasn't much else to watch. In order for him to get his arse whipped you'd have to hear him genuinely responding to simple questions asked, which he is clearly incapable of doing, just like any other common or garden fanatical lunatic.
Here's another Pat Condell video on him to give more background on the subject and in which he is pretty lucid on the dangers of Islam to our society. Be afraid, etc...
Here's an excellent vid which will have you scurrying off to check out their claims, and waddya know? They're right.
The problem is we normally don't have the time to do such research, so, in the same spirit as sharing other people's videos here, it's pleasant to see what other people have uncovered about what we knew all along: that the Bible is Just. Plain. Silly.
The speed rounds are priceless!
There's a particularly Aussie twist and flavour to this one too, which seems to be a version, slightly less bitter and twisted, of my very own British humour, but they're getting there.
The irony is screaming loud and proud, however, and I don't think I've seen a point being made quite so clearly before concerning Biblical crap.
Well done to the Makers, and I'll be watching you closely from now on! In the nicest possible way, of course ;-D
One of the nicest aspects of this blog is that discussing whether god exists or not is not on the agenda.
However, there are a TON of sites and videos and blogs and god knows what else out there which do.
And I just love them. There's no way I'm going to waste my time taking part in this discussion because thank goodness we're past that now.
However, because so many people out there do still believe these old stories, it's fascinating to watch people doing so. It's a bit like music for me. I've tried many different instruments but have given them all up, because I just got too frustrated. I enjoyed far more other people's competent attempts to create pleasant melodies than my cacophonous disasters.
The Atheist Experience is a You Tube channel which does exactly what I simply wouldn't have the patience to do any more - i.e. argue against religion. And it's fun and interesting to watch. So I recommend you do. Until you decide you have better things to do with your time. Here's a sampler above.
I won't spoil the punch line to this little video from the creator of the mighty Office (original version), whatever you may think of him, so just watch it and after two minutes you'll have it, and it's priceless.
I'm on a You Tube roll at the mo, so bear with me as I share some of my fav raves and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
Scary as it may seem, I'm not sure I've heard a more gob-stopping, in your face, answer-me-that-one riposte to the whole religion debacle in my life. I'd almost call it beautiful. See what you think. You do 'think', obviously, don't you.
It crystallizes what some of us might not even be aware of and enlightens us as to why, when he dies, as he inevitably will, of throat cancer (claimed by the 'faithful' to be because of his wicked words) or just death, he will be considered one of the main enlighteners of this linking of the centuries.
It's draws you in and has you reaching for the 'play again' button. As it should.
End-of-the-Worldists Live to Prophesise Another Day
So ridiculous and pathetic are the end-of-the-world predictors, the only ones deserving any respect at all I reckon are those who actually kill themselves, thereby proving that it was indeed the end of the world for some.
And so yet another Judgement Day has come and gone, and here we all are, surprise surprise, although there are those who are saying that the Rapture did, indeed, kind of, y'know, take place, but that Jesus used his magical Cloak of Invisibility to fool us all, and fools there certainly are.
This first video comes from 'The Thinking Atheist' and has been produced in the gravelly-voiced melodramatic manner so many religious propoganda videos are, which is quite funny.
Most pleasing is that it would suggest that there are grounds for hope that not ALL North Americans are religious nutters... which is a beautiful glimmer of hope from that otherwise worrying continent:
The second is also interesting, although you might want to skip the bit that gets quite technical on tectonics, as it were. On the whole it's thoroughly entertaining and quite funny in places.
I'd actually meant to show you yet another video from the Stephen Colbert report, which I've just discovered and which looks very promising. I'll find it eventually and post it in a later episode. Enjoy!
It's been a while since my last post, as other things have taken over not really worth going into here. But all this time I've been thinking about how I should develop the Frabulous Frog Freethinker further?
I'm going to take the easy way out here and just post someone else's video. Cop out? Well, yes and no, because I'm thinking that as well as original articles it could be good to let you know what's tickled and stimulated me as I go about my daily life. And Pat Condell's videos always do the trick.
I was thinking about my favourite videos of his when I came to the realisation that... they're all good. In fact, they're all great. So I don't really have a 'favourite' as such, but this one is a goodie, so I'm sharing it here, with thanks to the big man himself (Pat) of course.
And there are so many good people out there producing good God-unfearing stuff that I think it could be a good remit to simply share the best stuff I find, along with my own regular articles on science, weirdness and anything else that tickles my irreverent neurons. Shall we do it like that? OK, let's go.